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A Legacy of Love for People in Need

Freedom House welcomes your bequest.

A bequest to Freedom House is an effective and tax-advantaged way to make a lasting impact. In your will or trust, you can specify an amount or a percentage of your estate that you wish to give.  Some donors bequeath either the entirety or a portion of their IRA.

If you would like to make such a gift to Freedom House, you may include language in your will similar to the following:

“I, [first and last name], of [city, state, ZIP], give, devise and bestow to Freedom House, Inc., a 501c3 nonprofit corporation having its principal office at 440 Elm Place, Princeton, IL 61356, [written amount or percentage of the estate, designated fund, or description of property] to be used for the furtherance of its charitable purposes at the discretion and direction of its Board of Directors for its unrestricted use.”

If you are considering making a gift by bequest, we advise meeting with an attorney to discuss the ramifications of such a decision and, if appropriate, to update your will. Please let us know if you have included Freedom House in your estate planning.