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Education & Prevention Services

Prevention education is an integral part of Freedom House’s work. Advocates, counselors, and preventionists focus on educating the public about the prevalence and impact of domestic and sexual violence, and—through community education efforts—Freedom House hopes to increase reporting rates as well as the community’s sensitivity and compassion towards survivors. If you would like to learn more, call (815) 872-0087. To request a presentation, please complete this form.

  • Domestic Violence Education – This 10-hour course covers different aspects of domestic violence, including the history of the Illinois Domestic Violence Act and the dynamics of domestic violence. It is available to both DCFS-mandated clients and/or those voluntarily seeking education.
  • Parenting Under Stress – This 10-hour course helps repair the parent-child relationship that is often disrupted by domestic violence. It covers parenting under stress, discipline vs. punishment, and nurturing children’s needs. It is available to both DCFS-mandated clients and/or those voluntarily seeking education.
  • Prevention in Schools – Since 2013, Erin’s Law has required all Illinois schools to provide age-appropriate child sexual abuse prevention education annually for K-12 students. Freedom House proudly partners with local school districts to help schools meet this requirement, covering topics including boundaries, consent, healthy relationships, and more. Additional presentations focus on social-emotional learning and bullying prevention. In addition to classroom education, Freedom House offers programs for school staff and parents about many of these same topics.
  • Professional Trainings – Freedom House provides informational trainings for law enforcement, medical personnel, cosmetologists, and other professionals. These free programs focus on the services Freedom House provides as well as the importance of a trauma-informed approach when working with survivors.
  • Community Outreach – Freedom House staff attend a variety of community events, sharing information about available services and raising awareness about domestic and sexual violence. Staff members also speak to clubs, churches, and other organizations who would like to learn more about Freedom House and how their organizations can support survivors.